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Bembridge - 1960 Telephone directory - page 4

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

377 Results


Harbour Engineering, Embankment road
Bembridge XXX
Harris B. V. Ltd, Chemist, High street
Bembridge XXX
Harris B. V., Mulberry cottage
Bembridge XXX
Harvey Lt.-Col. Charles, Mill house
Bembridge XX
Hawkins Mrs. Bettina H., 2 Old Bembridge house
Bembridge XXXX
Haynes Leonard W., Newlands, Northclose road
Bembridge XXX
Henderson J. R., Upcote, Steyne road
Bembridge XXXX
Hermon & Sothcott, Electrical Engineer
Bembridge XXX
Hewett E. J., Folly Hill cottage, Kings road
Bembridge XXXX
Hillway Cafe & Store, Hillway
Bembridge XXX
Hinchingbrooke Viscountess, Windleshore
Bembridge XXX
Hodge & Childs, Kings Oak garage
Bembridge XXX
Hodgkinson Mrs. N., Cottage-in-the-Lane, Swains lane
Bembridge XXXX
Holbrook F., Lobster Teas, Forelands
Bembridge XXX
Homewood T. D., Oakstead cottage, Foreland Farm road
Bembridge XXX
Hoskyns Mrs. J. A., The Caravan, Swains lane
Bembridge XXX
Hudson Hon. A. J., Four Winds, Lane End
Bembridge XXX
Hulbert Sqn. Ldr. H. MBE, 2 Bay cottages
Bembridge XXXX
Humphray H. M. & A. J., Farmers, Stanwell farm
Bembridge XXX
Humphray H. M., Currington, Hillway
Bembridge XXX
Hussey Evelyn M., Westleigh, High street
Bembridge XX
Hyde-Smith Capt. R. E., RN, Green end, Foreland Farm road
Bembridge XXX
Irons Mrs. O. E., Conifers, Swaines road
Bembridge XXX
Isle of Wight Co-operative Society Ltd., High street
Bembridge XX
ISLE OF WIGHT WATER BOARD - Pumping station - Bembridge
Bembridge XXX
IWCC School, Bembridge C.E.
Bembridge XXX
IWCC, Guest House, Inver house
Bembridge XXX
IWCC, Mental Welfare, Duly Authorised Officer, Relief (R. R. Meakin), 1 Selsey view, Howgate lane
Bembridge XXX
Jackson J. E., Grocer, 2 Foreland road
Bembridge XXX
Jackson Nora., Oakengates, Beachfield road
Bembridge XXXX
James Frederick, Cortina, Steyne road
Bembridge XXX
James T. D., Finches, Lane end
Bembridge XXX
Jerome & Pethick, Solicitors, High street
Bembridge XXX
Johnstone Mrs. M., Belgrave cottage
Bembridge XXX
Jones A. F., Ironmonger, 3 Foreland road
Bembridge XXX
Jordan M. G., Laurel cottage
Bembridge XXX
Joysey A. A., Marchwood, Foreland road
Bembridge XXX
Kaula Dr. C. V., Woodlands, High street
Bembridge XXX
King P. J. W., Seawood, Lane end
Bembridge XXX
Knowles Mrs. M. A., Dover cottage, Dennett road
Bembridge XXXX
Kureen C., Chetwynd, High street
Bembridge XXX
LACEYS (I.O.W.) Ltd, Removal & Storage, Hazelwood, Manna road
Bembridge XXX
Lang Cdr. Conyers, OBE, Pickets piece, Swaines road
Bembridge XXXX
Langston M., Ashmead, High street
Bembridge XXXX
Langton R. M., 8 Selsey view, Howegate
Bembridge XXXX
Lawrence Lt. Col. R. G., The Shieling, Swains road
Bembridge XXX
Lees Miss Eileen, Old Bembridge House cottage
Bembridge XXX
Lewis H., Rossland, Steyne road
Bembridge XXX
Lewis L. J., Sanitary Inspector, Delwyn, Lane End close
Bembridge XXX
Lifeboat, Bembridge (Boathouse)
Bembridge XXX
377 Results
