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Wootton - Kelly 1927 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 1

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

76 Results


Wootton, Private
Brodie Maj. Charles Gordon M.C., F.R.C.S.Eng., Fern hill
Brodie Mrs. A. J., J.P., Fern hill
Burnett George A., Wootton lodge
Carnt Mrs., Westwood
Chatfeild-Clarke Lt.-Col. Stanley V.D., D.L., Oakfield
Chinchen Charles Joseph, Mount Hermon
Cowley The Dowager Countess, Bodwen
Davies-Evans Alan, Underwood
Dennis Harold, Lislecourt
Harbour John, Roslyn cottage
Hutton Reginald, Oak Lawn
Langton Ernest, Wootton grange
McKerchar Mrs., Hillgrove house
Mitchison Guy, Wootton Rise
Russell Horatio Douglas D.S.O., Woodlands
Seymour Rev. George Cyril B.A. (rector), Wootton rectory
Shedden Miss Roscow, Wootton house
Souter Leonard, Kite hill
Templeton Stanser, Woodside house
Way Herman Major, Beechcroft
Welsh Francis, The Cedars
West Lt.-Col. Richard Milbourne D.S.O., O.B.E., Brooklyn
Wickenden William Percy, High street
Wootton, Commercial
Abell William John, grocer, High street
Adam Norman, cafe
Barton George, poultry farmer, Woodhouse
Barton Nellie (Miss), dairy, Woodhouse
Bell & Co. forwarding agents, Quay side
Bennett Georg e Henry, Sloop inn
Bright Annie (Mrs.), baker, Red road
Burgess Charles Thomas & Son, builders, Woodvale
Burgess Herbert, dairyman
Butler Thomas William, Woodman's Arms P.H.
Calloway Frederick, farmer, Fatting Park farm
Children's Home (Miss E. Shalders, matron), Holford house
Cleaver Arthur James, farmer, Knight's farm
Connor Joseph Roussez, insurance agent, Belle Vue villa
Cooper Edward M., dairyman, New road
Cooper George farmer, Great Briddlesford farm
Cooper Harry, baker, Wootton Bridge
Cullin H. B., surveyor & sanitary inspector to Isle of Wight Rural District Council
Fricker Joseph. boot repairer, Station road
Gilley William, poultry farmer, Station road
Griffin Mary (Mrs.) & Son, farmers, Briddlesford Lodge farm
Groundsell James Henry, dairy, Wootton Bridge
Havelock William, farmer, Little Briddlesford farm
Healey Walter Edward, boot repairer, Wootton Bridge
Hendy J. & Son, news agents
Hunter A. Harvey, jobmaster
Johnson Alice (Mrs.), lending library
76 Results


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