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Totland - Kelly 1935 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 1

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

143 Results


Totland, Private
Aman John Godfrey, Sun corner
Anley Col. Henry Augustus C.B., Greengates
Ballard Hon. Mrs., The Down house
Bowen Rev. Hon. William Edward M.A., Glenheadon
Briscoe Robert Dixon, Grassington, Uplands road
Brodie Maj. F. Carden, Sunny bank, Church hill
Brooke-Webb Capt. Edward Vernon R.N. (ret.), Woodland cottage
Buchanan Francis Henry Theodore, The Hoo [Colwell road]
Buisseret Ralph J. Inter.B.A., St. Joseph's
Burnett Miss, Hurst view, Eden road
Buxton Antony, Illawarra, The Avenue
Campbell Maj. Robert Colin, Kinlock Tay, Granville road
Carrington Mrs., Totland Bay house, Granville road
Cole Arthur Thomas, The Croft
Collins John Preedy, Gorse hill
Collins Mrs., Springfield
Coombe Mrs. Allen, Auvelius
Craig Mrs., Westways, Church hill
Cross Charles Frederick, The Hermitage
Cunningham Maj. Thomas Cunningham D.S.O., Warden hill
De Butts Miss, Warden cottage, Warden road
Dearburgh Mrs., Seven Gables, York road
Doran Rev. Lawrence (Roman Catholic), St. Saviour's, Hurst hill
Dover John, Aston house, Church hill
Downer Norman, Windrush
Durham Walter, Four Winds
Hammersley Mrs. H., Eden house, Eden road
Hammersley Mrs., Wilmington
Harries Mrs., Culverdene, Church hill
Hildyard His Honour Judge Gerard Moresby Thoroton K.C., The Nodes
Hume Miss, The Mount
Johnson Mrs. The Rafters, Warden road
Jones Mrs., Heatherdown
Knighton John Henry, Aboukir, Warden road
Lea Mrs., Windyridge
Livens Rev. Herbert Mann A.T.S., Four Stones, The Mall
Marfleet Herbert, Granville house
Micklethwaite Rev. William Sykes (Methodist), Laleham, The Avenue
Millikin Col. Henry Joseph, Trusley cottage
Money Miss A. G., The Cottage, Church hill
Needham James E., C.B.E., The Prongs
Newnham Mrs. G. E., Old Coastguard cottage, Alum Bay
Niven-Whyte Alexander, Fairhaven
Pakenham Mrs., Headon hall
Paul Brigadier Walter Reginald C.B.E., Brayboeuf
Polack Mrs., Conybeare
Roome Mrs., St. Laurence, Warden road
Segar Maj. Edward, Southbourne, Church hill
Stead Eustace F., M.B., Madeira road
Thacker Dudley Hewitt, St. Winifred's
143 Results


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