Ryde, Private |
Adams Arthur Yorke, 5 Partlands avenue |
Alexander Miss, 15 Queen's road |
Alise Miss, Walton house, East Hill road |
Anderson Edward, 16 Queen's road |
Andrews Arthur J.P., Southfield, Upton road |
Ashford Maj. Frederick Henry O.B.E., Ingleborough, High Park road |
Ashton Henry, Garnock house, Spencer road |
Aubrey Harry Aubrey, Woodlawn, Appley rise |
Aylward Miss A. C., 16 Monkton street |
Bailey Gilbert, 29 Melville street |
Ball James, Swaylands, Great Preston road |
Barlow Thomas Oldham, The Gables, Ratcliffe avenue |
Barnes Harry, Windsor house, St. Thomas street |
Barton Miss, 21 Partlands avenue |
Barton Miss, Brynmar, Dover street |
Bassett Maj. John C., Heathercroft, Salisbury road |
Batt Capt. Arthur Edwin T.D., Holmbush, Upton road |
Baylass Mrs., Bellair, East Hill road |
Beard Sydney H., The Gates of St. John, Riboleau street |
Bentall Miss, 3 Partlands avenue |
Billinghurst Herbert Hamilton, The Corner cottage, High Park road |
Blackett-Ord Mrs. Hamilton, 20 Partlands avenue |
Boger Fred William, Brookfield, Binstead road |
Bowley William George, 19 Ashey road |
Brackenbury Miss, Beech grove, Corbett road |
Brealey Robert Nethercott, 4 Vernon square |
Brebner James Erskine, Lynwood, East Hill road |
Brigstocke George Robert, 5 & 6 Brigstocke terrace |
Brogden Lt.-Col. J. E., 85 West street |
Brougham Mrs. H. de Vaux, jun., St. John's house, East Hill road |
Brougham Mrs. H.de Vaux, St. John's house, East Hill road |
Brown Walter Hugh, Springfield, Spring vale |
Browne Arthur Laing, 12 Union street |
Buchanan Lt.-Col. Lewis Ernest, 94 West street |
Budd Walter A., Leaholme, Appley road |
Bull Carlton, Courtfield, Spencer road |
Bullin James Ernest, 4 Strand |
Burrell Arthur Ambrose B.A., M.B., B.Ch., 30 Melville street |
Burt Mrs. E., Fernleigh, High Park road |
Butler Algernon S., Broadwater, Spring vale |
Butterworth Capt. Archibald W., 39 Dover street |
Calthorpe Admiral of the Fleet the Hon. Sir Somerset Arthur Gough G.C.B., G.C.M.G., C.V.O., D.L., J.P., Woodlands vale, near Ryde |
Cannon Thomas G., Puckpool house |
Cantopher George Herbert, Stonehaven, Binstead road |
Carey Mrs., Carringford, High Park road |
Carpenter Hayward M.B., Meadowcroft, Salisbury road |
Carter Mrs., 18 Queen's road |
Castle-Branco Madame De, Franfer house, St. Thomas' street |
Chiverton Harry Percival, 11 Partlands avenue |
Churchill Spencer M.A., M.B., B.Ch., Vernon lodge, Vernon square |
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