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Ryde - Kelly 1935 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 1

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

1147 Results

Ryde, Private
Adams Arthur Yorke, 5 Partlands avenue
Alexander Miss, 15 Queen's road
Alise Miss, Walton house, East Hill road
Anderson Edward, 16 Queen's road
Andrews Arthur J.P., Southfield, Upton road
Ashford Maj. Frederick Henry O.B.E., Ingleborough, High Park road
Ashton Henry, Garnock house, Spencer road
Aubrey Harry Aubrey, Woodlawn, Appley rise
Aylward Miss A. C., 16 Monkton street
Bailey Gilbert, 29 Melville street
Ball James, Swaylands, Great Preston road
Barlow Thomas Oldham, The Gables, Ratcliffe avenue
Barnes Harry, Windsor house, St. Thomas street
Barton Miss, 21 Partlands avenue
Barton Miss, Brynmar, Dover street
Bassett Maj. John C., Heathercroft, Salisbury road
Batt Capt. Arthur Edwin T.D., Holmbush, Upton road
Baylass Mrs., Bellair, East Hill road
Beard Sydney H., The Gates of St. John, Riboleau street
Bentall Miss, 3 Partlands avenue
Billinghurst Herbert Hamilton, The Corner cottage, High Park road
Blackett-Ord Mrs. Hamilton, 20 Partlands avenue
Boger Fred William, Brookfield, Binstead road
Bowley William George, 19 Ashey road
Brackenbury Miss, Beech grove, Corbett road
Brealey Robert Nethercott, 4 Vernon square
Brebner James Erskine, Lynwood, East Hill road
Brigstocke George Robert, 5 & 6 Brigstocke terrace
Brogden Lt.-Col. J. E., 85 West street
Brougham Mrs. H. de Vaux, jun., St. John's house, East Hill road
Brougham Mrs. Vaux, St. John's house, East Hill road
Brown Walter Hugh, Springfield, Spring vale
Browne Arthur Laing, 12 Union street
Buchanan Lt.-Col. Lewis Ernest, 94 West street
Budd Walter A., Leaholme, Appley road
Bull Carlton, Courtfield, Spencer road
Bullin James Ernest, 4 Strand
Burrell Arthur Ambrose B.A., M.B., B.Ch., 30 Melville street
Burt Mrs. E., Fernleigh, High Park road
Butler Algernon S., Broadwater, Spring vale
Butterworth Capt. Archibald W., 39 Dover street
Calthorpe Admiral of the Fleet the Hon. Sir Somerset Arthur Gough G.C.B., G.C.M.G., C.V.O., D.L., J.P., Woodlands vale, near Ryde
Cannon Thomas G., Puckpool house
Cantopher George Herbert, Stonehaven, Binstead road
Carey Mrs., Carringford, High Park road
Carpenter Hayward M.B., Meadowcroft, Salisbury road
Carter Mrs., 18 Queen's road
Castle-Branco Madame De, Franfer house, St. Thomas' street
Chiverton Harry Percival, 11 Partlands avenue
Churchill Spencer M.A., M.B., B.Ch., Vernon lodge, Vernon square
1147 Results

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