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East Cowes - Kelly 1935 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 1

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

211 Results

East Cowes, Private
Akel Rev. Anthony (Roman Catholic), Connaught road
Apsey Charles H., Millfield, Old road
Ashdown Percy S., Glen Ebor, New Barn road
Bailey Robert Cozens, Hazelwood, New Barn road
Birkbeck Maj. Arthur, Norris castle
Broadsmith Harry Edgar, The Red house, Old road
Brown Mrs., Mount Prion, Cambridge road
Clarkson Herbert Turner, The Gables, New Barn road
Damant Capt. Guybon C. C., C.B.E., R.N.(ret.), Thursford, Cambridge road
Douglas Lient.-Col. Claude F.R.C.S., Silchester, Old road
Fraser Mrs. W. S., White cottage, Victoria grove
Freeman Comdr. Vincent Paul R.N.(ret.), Balhousie, New Barn road
Garrett George, Hinton, Old road
Gonoud Rev. T. F., St. Joseph's college, York avenue
Greet Mrs., Oakfield lodge, Connaught road
Harrison Mrs., Norris hill, New Barn road
Hartill Sydney M.B., Bucklands, Church path
MacGill Commdr. Thomas Campbell R.N. (ret.), Victoria cottage, York avenue
Marlowe Thomas, Osborne cottage, York avenue
Moore Walter William, Eveline cottage, Victoria grove
Moxon Rev. Reginald Stewart M.A., D.D. (vicar. & hon. canon of Portsmonth Cathedral), The Vicarage, Cambridge road
Nayler John J.P. (Surrey), Curraghmore, Victoria grove
O'Douoghue James J., Kynance, York avenue
Richardson Edward, The Crossways
Saunders Hubert S., St. Thomas
Sheddon Sir George B.A., D.L, J.P., Spring hill, Old road
Sibbick William Thomas, The Limes, Cambridge road
Simpson James, Cliffdene, Cambridge road
Smith Lt-Col. Archibald George, Woodside cottage. New Barn road
Sowden G. M.D., The Lodge, York avenue
Spencer-Smith Lt.-Col. Richard O., Arthur cottage, York avenue
Storr Hon. Mrs., Albert cottage, York avenue
Sweetland William Henry, Park Gale, York avenue
Tate Maj. Gen. Godfrey C.I.E., I.M.S., M.B. Osborne house
East Cowes, Commercial
Alford's Motor Works & Foundry (Percy C. Afford, proprietor), motor engineers, York avenue
Atkins Ronald, insurance agent, Tanfield, Victoria grove
Barton John Owen, baker, Ferry road
Baskett Frederick W., butcher, Castle street
Beal Frances (Mrs.), grocer, Upper Yarborough road
Benton Henry Bruce, upholsterer, 17 Clarence road
Betteridge Jessie K. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12 Victoria road
BRADING WILLIAM HENRY & SON, builders, contractors & undertakers, Adelaide grove
Bray John Henry, tailor, Ferry road
Brinton & Coffin, model yacht makers, Minerva yard, Clarence road
Brinton Annie (Miss), dressmaker, Rosetta, Osborne road
Brooker John Gilbert, builder, Sunnymead, York avenue
Brown Maud (Miss), dress maker, 10 Queen's road
Brunswick Dyeing & Cleaning Co. Ltd. 15 Clarence road
Bullen Herbert A., cycle agent, 10 Clarence road
Burgess John H. B. chemist, 1 Clarence road
211 Results

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