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Carisbrooke - Kelly 1935 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 1

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

144 Results


Carisbrooke, Private
Adams-Connor Capt. Harry George C.V.O., D.L., Beech Wood, Cedar hill
Agg-Large Rev. S. N., B.A. (chaplain to Camphill prison)
Bailey William Clarke, Marvell
Battiscombe Rev. John William Harold BA. (chaplain to Parkhurst, prison)
Bayliss Rev. Cecil Mortimer B.A. (chaplain to Isle of Wight Institution), The Parsonage
Best Albert Malcolm, Moro, Clatterford road
Bracey Very Rev. Robert O. P. (chaplain to the Convent of Our Lady of Reparation & St. Dominic)
Brannon George Alfred, Clatterford house, Clatterford road
Breacher Capt. John B., Rosebury, Watergate road
Brown Capt. Joseph Stanley, Clifton house, High street
Bull Alfred William, St. Kierans, Calbourne road
Carisbrooke Marquess of, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., Carisbrooke castle
Cheverton Albert Milton, Cremona, Gunville road
Clayton Capt. Gerald Fancourt (governor Parkhurst prison)
Croucher Herbert E., Bowcombe lodge, Plaish lane
Curry Ralph S. (clerk County Mental hospital)
Davies-Jones Charles W. S., M.B., B.Ch. (medical supt. County Mental hospital)
Deacon John Herbert, Highclere
Dimmick Capt. Frederick Charles, Moira lodge, Cemetery hill
Ewbank Rev. Harold M.A. (vicar), The Vicarage
Gibson Mrs., Castle view, Clatterford ford
Greenfield Mrs., The Mount, High street
Guise-Moores Maj. Bruce S. K., M.C. (deputy governor Parkhurst prison)
Gurney-Champion Frederick Cecil Gurner, Melmerby, Clatterford road
Harvey Albert Edward J.P., Clifton, High street
Heaton Hedley, Castle craig, Nodgham lane
Hoare Arthur, Glenmount, Cemetery hill
Hughes Misses, Palissy house, Clatterford road
Joyce Cyril Alfred (governor Camphill prison)
Marvin Albert Edward, The Grove
Mason William Graham, Castle cottage
Morris Harold Edward, Windybridge, Watergate road
Morris Mrs., Thorncroft, Watergate road
Oldendorif Maj. A. G. (deputy governor Camphill prison)
Peters Misses, Newclose, Watergate road
Sanders Mrs., St. Elmo, Watergate road
Shephard Henry, Castlehurst, Clatterford road
Wadham William Henry, Greylands, Clatterford road
Wheatley Leslie John Douglas B.Sc., Berry hill, High street
Young Miss, Woodside, Clatterford road
Carisbrooke, Commercial
Arnold Frank, market gardener, Calbourne road
Attrill Frank, grocer, High street
Barnes Albert, blacksmith, Priory road
Beard James, chimney sweep, High street
Biles Charles, cattle dealer, Park Green farm
Brett Alfred John, farmer, Top Barn farm
Brown F. M. (Miss), shopkeeper, Priory road
Brown Frances M. (Miss), stationer, High street
Bryant Arthur, blacksmith, Bowcombe
Butcher Arthur, farmer, Broadwood farm, Gunville
144 Results


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