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Brading - Kelly 1935 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 1

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

119 Results


Brading, Private
Aspinall-Oglander Brig.-Gen. Cecil Faber C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., Nunwell park
Aspinall-Oglander Mrs., Nunwell park
Bench Mrs., Weston house
Brown Frank O., Belle vue
Carter Lt. Alfred D.C.M., R.N.(ret.), Highbury
Clarkson Rev. William Frederick B.A. (Congregational), Morton villa
Cope Rev. Alfred Norris M.A., Oaklands, Yarbridge
Drayson Capt. Alfred F. H., R.N. (ret.), Eyeworth mount
Faircioth Mrs., Verona
Fardell John, Morton manor
Harradine Rev. John H. (Methodist), The Croft
Hartley-Sharpe Arthur, Yarbridge house
Harvey Mrs., Hawthorn dene
Hustler George Herbert M.D. (ret.), Yarborough house
Kerr Capt. Mark, Morton cottage
Mackett Frederick John, The Grange, Alverstone
Roach Surgn.-Capt. Sidney R.N.(ret.), Priory cottage
Salter Mountain Mr., St. Catherines
Simmonds Francis Arthur, Southfields
Simmonds Percy Walter, Chester villa
Smith Miss E. D. D., Yarcroft bank
Washington Lt.-Col. Cecil Francis George, Downedge
Weekes Rev. Canon Christian William Hampton M.A. (vicar, & rural dean of East Wight), Vicarage
White Harold James Osborne, Lansdown
White Miss F., Hill house
White Miss M. L. D., Oxford villa
White Mrs. Martin, St. Martin's
Brading, Commercial
Arnold A. H. & Sons, coal merchants
Barnes Arthur Ernest, farmer, Rowborough farm
Barnes George, farmer, Morton farm
Barwell Francis P., nurseryman, Alverstone
Berry Sidney Leonard, garage, Anerley, New road
Bessell Frederick, boarding house, Devonia
Black Ellen Gordon (Miss) L.R.A.M., A.R.C.O., music teacher
Brading Cement Co. Ltd., cement manufacturers
Brading Old Town Hall (free library, open mon.; David Pryke, librarian)
Brading Oscar Henry, butcher
Brine Thomas, tea gardens, Post office, Alverstone
British Legion (A. Carter, hon. sec.)
Brown John H. (Mrs.), dairy, Beech grove
Buckett William, Chimney sweep
Butler George, fishmonger, Adgestone lane
Callaway Alec. James, farmer, Great Whitefield farm
Carley Alfred Henry, refreshment rooms
Chaffey Bessie (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Chaffey F. & Sons, joiners, New road
Chambers Arthur, market gardener, Adgestone
Conservative & Unionist Club (Jack Fowler, sec.)
Corbett Frank Clifford, clerk to the Parish Council, Downleigh, The Mall
Dore Ernest Oliver, farmer, Whitehouse farm, Adgestone
119 Results


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