Binstead, Private |
Arthur Col. Lionel Francis D.S.O., O.B.E, Hazel mount |
Bouvet Rev. Dom Emile O.S.B. (Roman Catholic) (superior) Quarr Abbey house |
Bovill Maj. Anthony M.C., Pitts cottage |
Campbell Capt. J. H. D. M., Quarryhurst |
Clarke Col. Stephenson Robert C.B., J.P. (Sussex), Binstead house |
Colledge William S. Fishbourne |
Cottrell Mrs. J., Swinfen, Fishbourne |
Dorrien-Smith Misses, Fishbourne house, Fishbourne |
Fox George Frederick, The Cottage, Fishbourne |
Gill Mrs. Agnes, Quarryhurst |
Grimes Capt. Hugh, R.A. Quarrthorpe |
Hodgkinson Thomas, Hillside, Binstead road |
James Edwin, The Limes |
James Henry, Binstead road |
Leathley Rev. Henry Marshall B.A., (rector), The Rectory |
Lepper Capt. William Adventure, Oakdene, Fishbourne |
Lowen Samuel William, Lynwood, Arnold road |
May Mrs. Rest Harrow |
Orlebar Mrs. Vere, Crossways |
Pollard Evelyn W. The Quarry |
Ritchie Allen McDougall, New Copse, Fishbourne |
Tattnall Archibald, Wellwood |
Willis-Fleming John B. P., Puck house |
Binstead, Commercial |
Bagnall Norah (Miss), grocer, see Mills & Bagnall |
Cemetery (Thomas A. Cleaver, clerk) |
Cleaver Thomas Alfred clerk to the Parish Council, Council offices |
Coathy Butts Poultry Farm |
Fleming Henry Alfred, farmer |
Fleming John B. P. Willis, farmer, Newnham farm |
Hapgood Bros. boat builders, Fishbourne |
Hayles Bros. boat builders, Fishbourne |
Herrington William, shopkeeper |
James Henry, builder, Glenroy & farmer, Binstead Lodge farmer |
Jolliffe William Hubert, statnr |
Kearns Jack, beer retailer, Fishbourne |
Lowe Wallace, dairyman |
Mills & Bagnall, grocers |
Rayner Alfred, dairyman |
Reading Room & Workmen's Club (John Scott, hon. sec.) |
Salter Charles, farmer, Ashlake farm |
Souter Leonard John, farmer, Kite Hill farm |
Spencer Win. Fleming Arms P.H. |
Squibb Daniel, builder |
Tuck George Thomas, blacksmith |
Venus Ernest De Leacey, builder |
Wheeler William, boot maker |
Woolford Frederick W. Coathy poultry farm |
Young Francis John, boat owner, 3 Woodlands view, Fishbourne |
Young James, boat owner, Fishbourne |
Binstead, Civic |
Fishbourne to Portsmouth Ferry - Southern Railway - service of tow boats for the conveyance of motor vehicles (which can be run on & off boats under their own power), horses, carriages, vans & cattle etc. |
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