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Binstead - Kelly 1927 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 1

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

52 Results


Binstead, Private
Arthur Col. Lionel Francis D.S.O., O.B.E, Hazel mount
Bouvet Rev. Dom Emile O.S.B. (Roman Catholic) (superior) Quarr Abbey house
Bovill Maj. Anthony M.C., Pitts cottage
Campbell Capt. J. H. D. M., Quarryhurst
Clarke Col. Stephenson Robert C.B., J.P. (Sussex), Binstead house
Colledge William S. Fishbourne
Cottrell Mrs. J., Swinfen, Fishbourne
Dorrien-Smith Misses, Fishbourne house, Fishbourne
Fox George Frederick, The Cottage, Fishbourne
Gill Mrs. Agnes, Quarryhurst
Grimes Capt. Hugh, R.A. Quarrthorpe
Hodgkinson Thomas, Hillside, Binstead road
James Edwin, The Limes
James Henry, Binstead road
Leathley Rev. Henry Marshall B.A., (rector), The Rectory
Lepper Capt. William Adventure, Oakdene, Fishbourne
Lowen Samuel William, Lynwood, Arnold road
May Mrs. Rest Harrow
Orlebar Mrs. Vere, Crossways
Pollard Evelyn W. The Quarry
Ritchie Allen McDougall, New Copse, Fishbourne
Tattnall Archibald, Wellwood
Willis-Fleming John B. P., Puck house
Binstead, Commercial
Bagnall Norah (Miss), grocer, see Mills & Bagnall
Cemetery (Thomas A. Cleaver, clerk)
Cleaver Thomas Alfred clerk to the Parish Council, Council offices
Coathy Butts Poultry Farm
Fleming Henry Alfred, farmer
Fleming John B. P. Willis, farmer, Newnham farm
Hapgood Bros. boat builders, Fishbourne
Hayles Bros. boat builders, Fishbourne
Herrington William, shopkeeper
James Henry, builder, Glenroy & farmer, Binstead Lodge farmer
Jolliffe William Hubert, statnr
Kearns Jack, beer retailer, Fishbourne
Lowe Wallace, dairyman
Mills & Bagnall, grocers
Rayner Alfred, dairyman
Reading Room & Workmen's Club (John Scott, hon. sec.)
Salter Charles, farmer, Ashlake farm
Souter Leonard John, farmer, Kite Hill farm
Spencer Win. Fleming Arms P.H.
Squibb Daniel, builder
Tuck George Thomas, blacksmith
Venus Ernest De Leacey, builder
Wheeler William, boot maker
Woolford Frederick W. Coathy poultry farm
Young Francis John, boat owner, 3 Woodlands view, Fishbourne
Young James, boat owner, Fishbourne
Binstead, Civic
Fishbourne to Portsmouth Ferry - Southern Railway - service of tow boats for the conveyance of motor vehicles (which can be run on & off boats under their own power), horses, carriages, vans & cattle etc.
52 Results


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