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Rookley - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 1

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

23 Results

Arreton - Rookley, Private
Clench George, Albert villa
Hayles Oliver, Pagham
Wadham Stanley, Pidford house
Arreton - Rookley, Commercial
Attrill Jane (Mrs.), laundress, Highwood lane
Eldridge Mark, boot maker
Hayles Oliver, farmer, Pagham
Hillier Edwin J., farmer, Little Pidford
Legg Alice, Sub-postmistress
Woodward Richard, brick maker, Highwood
Arreton - Rookley, Civic
Church of St. John's, erected 1886, a small iron building, with 80 sittings, George Clench is the lay reader in charge
Post Office, Mrs. Alice Legg, sub-postmistress
Godshill - Rookley, Private
Hills Henry J., Cypress villa
Squibb Jeremiah, Dolcroft
Withers Charles, The Cottage
Godshill - Rookley, Commercial
Clarkson Annie (Mrs), mistress Rookley Elementary School; built for 120 children, average attendance 70; built and supported by the late Mr. John Woodward who left 20GBP a year, now reduced to 6GBP.
Eastment John, blacksmith
Gulliver William Samuel, builder
Hayward Edward, dairyman, Malthouse
Hillier William, farmer, Rookley farm
Morris Eliza Ann (Mrs.), grocer
Morris James Ward, carpenter
Reynolds Mary (Mrs.), Chequers inn
Ringer Henry, farmer, Lake farm
23 Results

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