Arreton - Rookley, Private |
Clench George, Albert villa |
Hayles Oliver, Pagham |
Wadham Stanley, Pidford house |
Arreton - Rookley, Commercial |
Attrill Jane (Mrs.), laundress, Highwood lane |
Eldridge Mark, boot maker |
Hayles Oliver, farmer, Pagham |
Hillier Edwin J., farmer, Little Pidford |
Legg Alice, Sub-postmistress |
Woodward Richard, brick maker, Highwood |
Arreton - Rookley, Civic |
Church of St. John's, erected 1886, a small iron building, with 80 sittings, George Clench is the lay reader in charge |
Post Office, Mrs. Alice Legg, sub-postmistress |
Godshill - Rookley, Private |
Hills Henry J., Cypress villa |
Squibb Jeremiah, Dolcroft |
Withers Charles, The Cottage |
Godshill - Rookley, Commercial |
Clarkson Annie (Mrs), mistress Rookley Elementary School; built for 120 children, average attendance 70; built and supported by the late Mr. John Woodward who left 20GBP a year, now reduced to 6GBP. |
Eastment John, blacksmith |
Gulliver William Samuel, builder |
Hayward Edward, dairyman, Malthouse |
Hillier William, farmer, Rookley farm |
Morris Eliza Ann (Mrs.), grocer |
Morris James Ward, carpenter |
Reynolds Mary (Mrs.), Chequers inn |
Ringer Henry, farmer, Lake farm |
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