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Brading - Kelly 1911 - Commercial and Private entries- Page 3

(Some road names have changed over the years, see this document for some further info.)

156 Results

Brading, Commercial
Nash Cornelius, baker
Nash William, farmer, Park farm
National Telephone Co. Limited; public call offices, New road & Station road
New Town Hall
New William Henry, blacksmith
Newman Sydney Edgar, grocer, High street
Old Town Hall
Owens Robt., Angler's inn Yarbridge
Pain Isaac Wavell, dairy farmer
Parish Club & Reading Room (James Wheeler, sec. & treas.), High street
Paul Harry, farmer, Biaper
Pepys Herbert Frederick, apartments, Home croft
Plumbley Frank John, farmer, Crouches farm, Adgestone
Redstone Victor, baker & grocer
Reed Ernest, farmer Adgestone farm
Repton Hugh Sibary Palmer, nurseryman, Alverstone
Riddick & Sons, grocer & baker
Salter Enos, market gardener, Burnt house
Sheath Charles, market gardener, Adgestone
Simmonds Charles, joiner, East view
Simmonds George Charles, baker
Simmonds Walter & Henry, builders, Cambridge villa
Simmonds William, gardener, stoneham house
Stark George, apartments, 2 Dorest villas, Morton
Stay Wilfred, blacksmith, West street & tobacconist, High street
Tayler George, farmer, Hardingshute farm
Tayler Percy, boot maker
Walker Frank & Henry, farmers, White House farm
Wilkins George Alfred, market gardener
Wood Arthur Henry, New inn
Wright William George, beer retailer
Young Fanny (Mrs.), in charge of Railway Crossing, Alverstone
Young William isaac, farmer, see Goble & Young
Brading, Civic
The railway station stands on the Isle of Wight railway
Railway Station, George Corbett, station master
The branch railway line from Brading station to St. Helens and Bembridge
Railway Crossing, Alverstone ; trains take up passengers here by signal only; Mrs. Fanny Young, in charge
The church of St. Mary is an ancient edifice od stone in the Transition Norman and Early English styles.
There is a United Methodist chapel
The Congregational chapel was built in 1887, seating 225.
The old Town Hall, rebuilt on its old site in 1875-6 - contains a free library containing 1400 volumes.
In a small open space in the middle of the principal street the massive bull ring, to which bulls were formerly tied to be baited, still remains.
The new Town Hall was erected in 1902, exclusive of the value of the site, of nearly 1000 GBP ; designed by Mr. James Newman, architect, of Sandown, opened in Feb. 1903. The site was presented by Rev. E. Summers B.D. vicar 1884-1906.
Sexton - Frederick William Bench
Post, M. O. & Telephone Call Office - Henry Loe, sub-postmaster
ALVERSTONE is a small hamley, 2 miles south-west
MORTON and YARBRIDGE are small hamlets, a mile south
ADGESTONE, 1 1/4 miles south-west
The School Board, formed in 1881, has been dissolved by the Education Act of 1902, and the schools are now controlled by a board of managers under the direction of the County Education Committee
156 Results

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